Creating Your Foundation

make better decisions, and create a mission and vision TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS


Creating a foundation for your business and career is one of the most important things you can do, and yet it is a step that most people skip. I want you to think about that for a minute. How important is a solid foundation when you are building a home? It’s incredibly important, right? So what would happen if you decided to skip the foundation, or rushed through it, did not build it properly? The entire structure would be vulnerable, especially during times of natural disasters or stress. Well the same is true for our businesses and careers. Without a solid foundation to lean into, especially during times of stress, we tend to collapse, feel stuck, and frustrated working harder and yet not really getting anywhere.

The CREATING YOUR FOUNDATION self paced program was designed to help you to build a solid foundation so that you can make better decisions more quickly, give you clarity on who and what to say yes and no to, and create a mission and vision that will keep you inspired and moving forward toward your dreams and goals even as you face an overwhelming sea of no’s. Because, in a year from now, do you really want to be in the same place that you are now?

What we cover:

● Your Purpose and Mission Statement

● Company Values

● Your Vision for the Future

● Goal Setting

● Avoiding Burnout

● Defining Your Ideal Client

● Uncover The True Value of Your Work

● Create Your Elevator Pitch

● Marketing & Mindset

To ensure you get the most out of this program, you will also receive two one on one coaching sessions to support you throughout this journey.