Creating Your Foundation


There is a conversation that I seem to be having over and over again with both my clients and colleagues in the design industry, and it’s all centered around how do I show up during this time of uncertainty?  How do I show up on social media?  How do I show up for my clients? How do I show that I am here to support my audience, while also ensuring that my business survives this unknown terrain? 

For me the answers lie in the foundations that we create for our businesses and these foundations are a creation of our mission, vision and values.  By leaning into a solid foundation, we are given a clear roadmap and picture as to how to move forward. That’s what foundations do, they give us a solid footing to build upon and serve as a container for us to make effective decisions that bring us closer to our goals rather than take us further away.  So what does not having a solid foundation really cost us?

If we take the metaphor to a literal place, how important is it to have a solid foundation when building a home.  Sure it’s important on a day to day basis, but it becomes even more important during times of crisis and natural disasters.  I would say the same thing is true for our businesses.  

So if you have never taken the time, or perhaps your vision, mission, and values could use a revisit, now is the perfect time to get some clarity. 


And so, I am offering a free 3 part series to get you started on your journey.

The program begins May 4th.  Each week you will receive a new pre-recorded video with exercises to complete. 

Please click the link below to sign up.



What we will focus on:

  • Your mission statement

  • The top values you want to experience or cultivate in the coming year

  • Your vision for your brand, your work, and your lifestyle

In creating a foundation for our companies, we increase our ability to make quick and effective decisions, and when we do that we increase profitability.  

What you will walk away with:

  • Clarity around your goals for the year and create a plan on how to achieve them

  • A roadmap for making effective decisions

Ginna Christensen