Sifting Through Crisis

Crisis comes from the word that means to sift, and so a crisis is the perfect time to let the extra fall away so only the important will remain.
— Glennon Doyle, Love Warrior

This is how I have been handling the crisis that we have all been facing the past five months, shifting back and forth from feeling like nothing I do makes a difference and I might lose everything, to seeing this as an opportunity to let go of the things I no longer want to hang on to. 

As many of you know, I moved to NY on March 2 of this year, so my entry into life in a new city has not quite been what I expected.  During the last few months, I lost an uncle, my three year old niece was diagnosed with kidney cancer, and I lost close proximity to the community that I wish was here for me to embrace.  All of these things coupled with the limitations that the pandemic has placed on us and the violence that we continue to witness against Black Americans, has left me with only the amount of energy I need to serve my clients, my health, and my family.  

After many months of going inward to examine, reflect, sift through, and let go, I am now feeling a push outward and desire to reconnect and re-engage.  My only hope is that you will forgive my silence and want to join me.  So on September 24th, I’d like to invite you to join me and fellow coach Rachel Goldman on ZOOM for a conversation around sifting through crisis, and how we do that successfully while supporting one another on the journey.  

Ginna Christensen