How Have Books Impacted Your Life?

I love to read.  In fact, I look at many authors as my invisible mentors, because as I have read their books they have guided me as I have implemented the suggestions that have felt helpful to me.  Some books have given the confidence I needed to push an idea out into the world, others have helped me find solutions to challenges, and others helped me form the direction of my business. 

I typically read on my IPAD or IPHONE, but the books that really resonate with me those I want a hard copy of.  They comfort me and feel like old and trusted friends. And so, I want to look at them on my bookshelves, knowing at any time I can pick them up to ask for their counsel and remind me that I already know what to do.  


I have also been lucky enough to meet more than a few of these invisible mentions who have impacted my life.  The first one I met was Marcus Buckingham author of Now Discover Your Strengths, Go Put Your Strengths to Work, and Find Your Strongest Life.  I watched him exit the car in front of mine as I was pulling up to the Soho House in West Hollywood, I immediately stepped on the gas and asked the parking attendant to please hurry.  When I entered the lobby, breathless hoping I would catch him, there he was. And so, I walked up to him, looked him straight in the eye and said,

“Marcus, your books have changed the way I approach my work.  I am so grateful.  Thank you.”

Next came Seth Godin author of All Marketers Tell Stories, The Icarus Deception, and What to Do When It’s Your Turn.  Mr. Godin hosted a weekend seminar in Hastings on Hudson about 7 years ago.  I was one of 75 people who were accepted into the program.  The seminar began with a welcome cocktail party.  I stood across the room staring at this man who had been my invisible mentor for sometime.  After about 15 minutes, I walked over to meet him.  He invited me to sit down and talk to him about what I did.  I felt like the only person in the room, and when I finished talking, he asked me if it would be ok if he spoke about my business on stage the following day.  I felt like I was living in a dream.  

Then came Elizabeth Gilbert, author of EAT PRAY LOVE which I have read three times and BIG MAGIC which I have read twice.  So when I saw her in the flesh on stage talking about her new book, I thought I might burst.  She oozed creativity and kindness, and as we posed for a picture together, I felt an urge to reach out and grab her hand as if we were friends from childhood.  Thankfully I refrained myself.  That would have been awkward.  

Next came Brene Brown, author of The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and, Braving the Wilderness.  I cannot really claim to have met her, but I did hear her speak and after she exited the stage she walked by me so closely I could have reached out and touched her,  and almost did just to make sure she was real.  Her words were so powerful, honest, and vulnerable - a combination of strengths that I have rarely witnessed.  


And then there was Julia.  No not Roberts, Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, another book that I worked my way through more than once.  The first time I read it, the book literally both saved and changed my life.  It prompted a move cross county to Los Angeles which became my home for 16 years, and it started me on the path of unearthing my creativity. As I dug and excavated, I became more and more brave, and began, one step at a time, to bring my creativity out into the world.  Two years ago, I had the pleasure of attending a class she was teaching on writing. I started crying the moment I laid eyes on her.

Last and certainly not least, there was Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money.  This meeting I am convinced that I completely manifested. I was finishing her book around Christmas time 2019, and as I read, I felt like I was getting to know this woman and could almost feel her sitting next to me as I turned each page.  One day I looked up from the book at my husband and proclaimed,

“I am going to meet this woman in 2020.  I can almost see it happening.  I am at an event somewhere and so is she.” 

Six weeks later I attended that event, and when we spoke I was filled with the same feeling I had when I was reading her words - comforted, calm, and safe. 

Looking back at these authors and their work, I am filled with an immense sense of gratitude  for how they have impacted my life.  I only hope that I can have a similar impact on the world through my own work and to one day find that someone has written similar words about me.

What books have made an impact on your life? 


Of course, all of the books listed above plus…

Never Split The Difference, Chris Voss

Unreasonable Hospitality, Will Guidara

Creativity, John Cleese

Stillness Speaks, Eckhart Tolle

Niksen, Olga Mecking

Hell Yes, Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin

Atomic Habits, James Clear

The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Lehr & Tony Schwartz 

Anything You Want, Derek Sivers 

The Creative Habit, Twyla Tharp

Start With Why, Simon Sinek

The Power of Less, Leo Babauta 

The Accidental Creative, Todd Henry

The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor

Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine

The War of Art, Steven Pressfild 

My Stroke Of Insight, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Build Your Dream Network, J. Kelly Hoey

The Go Giver, Bob Burg and John Mann

I Am Invincible, Norma Kamali

Atlas Of The Heart, Brene Brown

The Practice, Seth Godin

It’s Not How Good Your Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be, Paul Arden

The Creative Pragmatist, Amy Smilovec

Ginna Christensen