Make The Words You Choose Work For You
Words have power and they have energy, and one of the words that I have erased from my vocabulary is should. As I learned through IPEC COACHING should is could with shame attached, and all should is doing for you is keeping you small. Many of us are not aware of how often we engage this word, and it makes sense right, because how often throughout the day are we told “you should do this” or “you know what you really should do…” It’s no wonder we are constantly shoulding all over ourselves.
As you head into this next week, I invite you to be aware of when you feel yourself wanting to use the word should and see if you can stop yourself and change your word choice to could or want. Should puts us in the mindset of the victim where we feel as if our choices are limited and some aspect of our life is out of our control. Could puts us into the mindset of options and possibilities, and want puts us in the mindset of focus and determination.
Try it on for size. Say the following sentences to yourself and feel the difference that one little word makes.
I should go for a run today.
I could go for a run today.
I want to go for a run today.
What did you notice? How did changing that one word feel different in your body? Where I’d you feel it?
What do you think would change if you could erase the word should from your vocabulary?
“The words you speak become the house you live in.” - Hafiz
Be Inspired,
Ginna Christensen