The Top Five Reasons to Say Yes To Coaching
Coaching, although it has become a widespread practice for many top executives and CEOs, it is still widely misunderstood. The best way I can describe what coaching can do for you is this. I want you to think about the top three challenges you face right now at work and in life. Now think about who you have to talk to about these challenges who will listen without judgment or telling you all of the things you should be doing, but will instead reflect what they've heard and assist you in making the decisions that are best for you. In its simplest form, that is what coaching is, but it also has many other benefits. Here are the top 5.
Unlock Your Potential - Only 20% Of people and teams unlock their fullest potential. Why is that? I want you to think about something for a moment. Think about how many times you've made a New Years' resolution, attended a seminar, or read a life-changing book. Think about the vow you made to make positive change. What was the result? 80% of people fail at creating the change they seek, which leads me to number 2.
Increase Your Chances for Success - Whenever anyone attempts to create positive change in their work or their life, their chances for success increase by 500% if they have a system of support and accountability in place. Just think about that for a moment because this is what coaching can provide. What would change for you if you could overcome your top three challenges? What would stop you from increasing your chances for success?
Save Time- one of the top complaints that I hear from professionals, especially professional women, is that they do not have enough time. What would change for you if you could work more efficiently, identify and focus on the most satisfying and fulfilling work for you? And what if, in the process of doing so, your time seemed to multiply?
Make Better Decisions - so much time gets wasted when we sit for too long in ambiguity; we don't take action and seem to doubt ourselves more and more the longer we wait to make a decision. So much of the work that I do with my clients is to help them make the best decisions for themselves while giving them the awareness they need to recognize when making decisions from fear. Because as one of my clients once said to me, "When I make decisions from fear chaos ensues."
Create a Foundation for Your Business and Career - Creating a foundation for your business and career is one of the most important things you can do, and yet it is a step that many people skip. Would you mind thinking about that for a minute? How important is a solid foundation when you are building a home? It's essential. So what would happen if you decided to skip the foundation, or rushed through it, did not build it properly? The entire structure would be vulnerable, especially during times of natural disasters or stress. Well, the same is true for our businesses and careers. Without a solid foundation to lean into, especially during times of stress, we tend to collapse, feel stuck and frustrated, working harder, and yet not getting anywhere.
So what do you think? As I see it, we always have two choices. We can continue to do things the way we always have and live with this sinking feeling that we are not fully tapping into the potential of what we are capable of, or we could try something different, get the support we need, and maybe just maybe begin to live the life of our dreams.
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