What's Your Mantra
Image Via @MantraBand
Many of the people who come to work with me do so because they are experiencing a result that they are not completely satisfied with. Some continue to attract the wrong clients, others are searching for powerful yet authentic brand messaging, and others want to get out of the cycle of feeling perpetually overwhelmed, over-scheduled, and over-stressed.
Here is a little secret for you. The results you are experiencing are a result of the thoughts you think, and some of them may be obvious, while others are hidden and, in many cases, unconscious.
For a moment, let's say that you have been attracting a series of clients that continue to negotiate your fees, tell you you are too expensive, or refuse to pay their invoices on time. Begin to look at how you value your work and or the work of others. In other words, how are you engaging in the behavior that you do not want to experience? Perhaps, during times of stress, you cannot fully step into the value of your work. Maybe your doubt your abilities, feel like an imposter, and question why anyone would pay your hourly rate.
To create change and experience a different result, you first have to go deeper than your experience to the thoughts underneath. Be aware of what they are. Write them down and get curious. Where did this thought come from? How true is it? How does it make me feel? What effect does this thought have on the actions I take in the direction of my goals?
The thoughts you think and the words you speak create your experience and your results. So why not take a look at yours.
What are the mantras you are repeating to yourself every day? Are they supporting you? How do they affect you and your perception of the world?