
I help creatives, small business owners, managers and teams, build a foundation for their careers, so that they can integrate who they are into the work they do and become STAND OUTS in their field.


The key to real change is momentum; to gain momentum we must take action.

Are you looking to supercharge your business, get paid what you are worth, and take your business to the next level?

Are you feeling unfulfilled or like you’ve fallen out of love with the work you once adored?

Are you tired of attracting the wrong clients or working harder only to feel like a hamster on a wheel?

Ginna addresses all of these challenges and more by helping her clients hone in on their goals, create action plans, and develop a road map for decision making and growth.

Ginna has a gift for listening in a way that has allowed us to uncover a message that feels authentic to our brand.
— Brittany Roux, Roux MacNeil Studio


Purpose is a powerful thing, and when we lose sight if it we lose the fuel it provides to face down CHALLENGES and a sea of endless no’s. This PROGRAm was designed to help creative who feel stuck in their careers to gain the CLARITY and focus they need to move forward, Fueled by purpose, in ACHIEVING their goals aNd EXPERIENCE true long LASTING sucess. What we cover:

Creating your Mission Statement

Define Your Company’s Values

Uncover your Vision and Create a strategy for achieving your goals

Create your elevator pitch

Uncover the real Value of the work you do

Let go of the icky feeling you have about self promotion and marketing

what’s included:

  • 8 one hour phone sessions

  • Access to me between scheduled calls

  • Connect with other designers, makers, and artists and experience a sense of community with Monthly Zoom calls and our private social media group.

Working with Ginna is like having a guru for your brand.
— Sharon Lee, Karen Home


Your style of leadership affects the decisions you make and the actions you take.  Your business, as it is now, is a result of the decisions you made 3 hours ago as well as 3 years ago.  In order to grow your business and grow as a leader, it’s important to understand where you are now, so that you can determine with clarity, where we want to go and grow.  


  • Increased Clarity and Focus

  • Uncover the unsustainable patterns that are keeping you stuck, lead you to burnout, and keep you from making effective decisions.

  • Tools to create more motivation for yourself and your teams.

  • Clarity around the leader you currently are as well as clarity around the leader you want to become

  • Time Management and Balance

  • Strengths and gaps

  • Removing Barriers to Success

  • Dynamic Communication

  • Problem Solving and Productivity

What’s Included:

  • 10 One Hour Coaching Sessions

  • The Leadership Assessment and Debrief

  • Access to me between scheduled calls

  • Connect with other designers, makers, and artists and experience a sense of community with Monthly Zoom calls and our private social media group.

This is life changing!
— Ericka Saurit, entrepreneur


Every interaction presents the opportunity to lead and have a positive impact on others.  Great leaders are not only able to motivate, inspire, and bring out the greatness in others, but also in themselves.  The question is not whether or not you are a leader; the question will you lead?

Your style of leadership affects the decisions you make and the actions you take.  Your business, as it is now, is a result of the decisions you made 3 hours ago as well as 3 years ago.  In order to grow your business and grow as a leader, it’s important to understand where you are now, so that you can determine with clarity, where we want to go and grow.  

What you will gain:

  • Tools on how to decrease the amount of stress you experience 

  • Increased Clarity and Focus 

  • Uncover the unsustainable patterns that are keeping you stuck, lead you to burnout, and keep you from making decisive decisions.

  • Tools on how to communicate with difficult clients, allow them to feel heard, and produce win/win solutions.  

  • Tools to create more motivation for yourself and your teams.

  • Clarity around the leader you currently are as well as clarity around the leader you want to become

    What’s Included:

  • Leadership Assessment

  • Sixty Minute One on One Personalized Debrief of Your Results

Ginna has helped us see things that we could not see ourselves.

— Dana Joy Altman, Snyder Diamond


Are you curious about how coaching can impact your business?  Do you need a solution or advice on an immediate need? ThEN coaching by the hour is a great fit for you.