Finding The Win/Win


So many of us yearn to be of service, to make a difference in the lives of others, and to make as big of an impact as we can with the time we have. However, when we focus so much on helping others, we can easily forget to also focus on ourselves, our goals, and our vision. We find ourselves working in reactionary mode, putting what looks like immediate needs in front of our own priorities. This is a cycle that in the past I often found myself in, and it is a cycle that many of my clients struggle with.

So how do we create change, break the cycle, and make time to work on the projects that bring us closer to our goals, mission, and vision? It starts with awareness. What kind of signal do you get when you are about to over extend yourself? For me it was a feeling in my gut, for others it’s a feeling of overwhelm and desire for structure. For me, whenever I felt that pull in my gut, I knew it was my signal to pull back and ask myself “what is the WIN WIN here?” A client of mine asks herself, “what works for me,” whenever she feels herself starting to slip into people pleaser mode. Both questions naturally bring us back into the equation, to consider ourselves, and our needs.

What question can you start asking yourself that will enable you to feel empowered to bring yourself back into the equation and prioritize your vision and your goals?

Ginna Christensen